کتاب ایمنی شناسی Janeway - ویرایش نهم (2017)

دسته بندي : علوم پایه » زیست شناسی
کتاب ایمنی شناسی Janeway - ویرایش نهم (2017)

نویسندگان: Murphy و Weaver

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فهرست مطالب:

TOC with direct page links
PART I - An introduction to immunobiology and innate immunity
.1. Basic Concepts in Immunology
.2. Innate Immunity: The First Lines of Defense
.3. The Induced Response of Innate Immunity
PART II - The recognition of antigen
.4. Antigen Recognition by B-cell and T-cell Receptors
.5. The Generation of Lymphocyte Antigen Receptors
.6. Antigen Presentation to T Lymphocytes
PART III - The development of mat ure lymphocyte receptor repertoires
.7. Lymphocyte Receptor Signaling
.8. The Development of B and T Lymphocytes
PART IV - The adaptive immune response
.9. T-cell-Mediated Immunity
.10. The Humoral Immune Response
.11. Integrated Dynamics of Innate and Adaptive Immunity
.12. The Mucosal Immune System
PART V - The immune System in Health and Disease
.13. Failures of Host Defense Mechanisms
.14. Allergy and Allergic Diseases
.15. Autoimmunity and Transplantation
.16. Manipulation of the Immune Response
- I The Immunologist's Toolbox
- II CD antigens
- III Cytokines and their Receptors
- IV Chemokines and their Receptors
دسته بندی: علوم پایه » زیست شناسی

تعداد مشاهده: 3029 مشاهده

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