پاورپوینت Fair Use, Fair Dealing according to the Egyptian IPR Law

دسته بندي : علوم انسانی » روانشناسی و علوم تربیتی
دانلود پاورپوینت Fair Use, Fair Dealing according to the Egyptian IPR Law

“ we must take care to guard against two extremes equally prejudicial;
the one, that men of ability, who have employed their time for the service of the community, may not be deprived of their just merits, and the reward of their ingenuity and labour; the other, that the world may not be deprived of improvements, nor the progress of the arts be retarded ”
Lord Mansfield in the case of Sayre v. Moore (1785)
دسته بندی: علوم انسانی » روانشناسی و علوم تربیتی

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