محاسبات سازه جرثقیل دروازه ای تحت نرم افزار اکسل

دسته بندي : فنی و مهندسی » مکانیک
مثال فوق به عنوان نمونه برای جرثقیلی به دهانه 11 متر و ظرفیت 100 تن میباشد که شاسی و فریم جرثقیل براساس استاندارد bs5950
محاسبه میشود
منبع فایل 
این فایل از سایت http://www.scribd.com/doc/142907026/gantry-crane-xls
استخراج شده جهت محاسبه و تخمین استحکام جرثقیل دروازه ای

The function of the crane girders is to support the rails on which the
traveling cranes move. These are subjected to vertical loads from crane,
horizontal lateral loads due to surge of the crane, that is, the effect of
acceleration and braking of the loaded crab and swinging of the suspended load
in the transverse direction, and longitudinal force due to acceleration and braking
of the crane as a whole. In addition to the weight of the crane, impact and
horizontal surge must be considered. According to IS: 875, the values given in
Table 13-9 may be taken for the design of crane gantry girders and columns.
Both the horizontal forces, lateral and longitudinal, are assumed not to act
together with the vertical loads simultaneously. Only one of them is to be
considered acting with the vertical load at a time. Vertical load, of course,
includes the additional load due to impact.
The crane girder spans from column to column, usually having no lateral
support at intermediate points excepting when a walkway is formed at the top
level of the girder which restrains the girder from lateral bending. Thus under
normal circumstances, the crane girder must be designed as laterally
unsupported beam carrying vertical and horizontal load at the level of the top
flange. Apparently a girder with heavier and wider compression flange is
required. Figure 2.27 shows some typical sections adopted for crane girders
دسته بندی: فنی و مهندسی » مکانیک

تعداد مشاهده: 4041 مشاهده

فرمت فایل دانلودی:

فرمت فایل اصلی: xls

تعداد صفحات: 10

حجم فایل:252 کیلوبایت

 قیمت: 188,000 تومان
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